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Kingdom Spoilers & RAW Chapter 581

CH# 580
CH# 582
Credit to Mysterious from TKC discord. (don't take without credit) . Kingdom Chapter 581 Summary Title : "Scene Seen" We see the HSU fighting with good interaction and cooperation betweem them . In the midst of fight kanto thinks that even though they are tired hungry and exhausted he doesn't know how his body is actually moving .. he says " it is propably because wha shin said filled me with power , no that this is not every thing , there is something different " the field of vision I see is more wide than how I was seeing it yesterday .. Shousa " your taken back by how you see ppl differently " ofc I had it many times .. He goes to say that the "scene shin sees" is completely different . He is an idiot but he see an even higher scene . Gyouun sees the fierce fighting of the gyokuhou and hi shin units . He says (in his mind) " you saw it too , garyou right ? They have awakened their armies , just like the Qin six generals in the past . CGR orders a full retreat and send messangers to gyouun and bananji to do the same The messanger arives to gyouun saying a message from chougaryou sama . G: I know , (Thinking) right now the zhao whole left army should fully retreat . Qin units notices the full scale retreat . HSU arround Ten say that this is bad , gyouun is going to escape . Ten says that no , that is not bad at all . The goal of the right army is to crush and pass through their respective enemy , and to pincer attack the riboku centre army . In other words if they kept up like this , they would have done their parts and the practically untouched for 12 days, Ousen's centre army will finally be able to move forward. BREAK NEXT WEEK You are reading Kingdom Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 581 in English. Read Chapter 581 of Kingdom Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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CH# 580
CH# 582
Kingdom Spoilers & RAW Chapter 581

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